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Syncterm scrollback buffer

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  • #Syncterm scrollback buffer update#

    Also let me know if you need to dig up your old user account / password since I am assuming most people have forgotten theirs by now!ĭec 23rd Update - I have successfully configured the BBS to be multi-line! So it will accept up to 3 simultaneous connections.

    syncterm scrollback buffer

    Or wait a day and it will likely be back up again. Using your own telnet client ( SyncTerm does an excellent job!) just connect to on port 6109.Īs before, occasionnally the BBS will lock up during disconnects (please disconnect using the BBS menus, NOT the 'Disconnect' button in the window below) If it is not working just poke me I have provided an embedded telnet client below which seems to work pretty good. It hasn't been running on actual Amiga hardware. The BBS is now running out of an emulated WinUAE session.

    syncterm scrollback buffer

    but I was able to save the BBS filesĪnd port them over to a PC. * * * Dec 2017 - 1-9-t-h Street BBS is back again! * * * You can log on and poke around aīit with a new user account, but I'll have to grant you rights to give you any level of access to the fun One other thing, if you'd like an account on the BBS (for some reason) - let me know. Somebody dissconnects improperly - please log out!) but when this happens I will try to bring it back up as soon as I You can read the old description of the BBS hereĬurrently the BBS is hooked to the RBlords networkĪnd is accesible via the telnet protocol.unfortunately it does have a tendancy to hang occasionally (mainly when Rappablords Online was once part of the BBS, including many of my devoted readers ( Dog Pound, Blue4130, Unit3, mrp, soul_d and myself to name a few). Located in Saskatoon from around 1994 to 1998, and then re-born a few times since. The infamous 1-9-t-h Street BBS, truley the heart of what eventually because Rappablords Online, was a local BBS

    Syncterm scrollback buffer